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From 2019 through 2024, I had the privilege of working at a local animation studio based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Most of the projects on this page were done there along with a very small team of developers (2-3) and designers (1-2). I've highlighted my specific role on each one below -- enjoy your exploration!

Web Development

This Jelly, Ben & Pogo sub site was made for the PBS Kids website back in early 2024. Designs and assets were provided by the creator of the show, Jalysa Leva, but I built all of the pages out myself.

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Jelly, Ben & Pogo Website

The CSafe Interactive Product Tours were made back in late 2020 and early 2021. Updates were still being made and new products added to the line as late 2023, so this was a fun one to keep coming back to.

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CSafe Product Tours

The Primal Screen Website underwent many changes throughout the studio's lifespan, but this version that I helped to create in 2021 will live forever as the company's archive after its closure in 2024.

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Primal Screen Website

If you like what you see, I can create something special for you too! Let's work together to build a website that fits your specific needs.

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Game Development

Jelly Ben & Pogo "Karaoke Night" was the first game that I was a lead developer on. This project gave me the opportunity to familiarize myself with sound modification and Midi files, as well as the Tone.js sound library.

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Jelly, Ben & Pogo Karaoke

"Elmo & Grover's Farm Time Fun" was finished in early 2023. I worked with a team of 2 other developers to create the entire game and I developed two of the four mini games on my own.

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Elmo & Grover's Farm Time Fun

I developed 2 of the 4 mini games for "PBS Kids Play & Learn Engineering" back in 2021. I was also responsible for packing all of the games into a Cordova wrapper and creating the spinning game menu wheel.

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PBS Kids Play & Learn Engineering

Jelly Ben & Pogo "Babysitting Squee" was the biggest web game I helped develop. I worked with a team of four developers to make this whole game come to life, but developed the "Bed Building" mini game on my own.

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Jelly, Ben & Pogo Babysitting Squee

Jelly Ben & Pogo "Sakto" was the last game that I worked on at Primal Screen and it was launched in mid 2024. I worked with just one other developer to create a suite of "cozy" puzzle-like games for kids to play.

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Jelly, Ben & Pogo Sakto

If you like what you see, I can create something special for you too! Let's work together to build a game that fits your specific needs.

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