Web Mode
Game Mode
About Me My Work Reach Out


I'm Jess

What can I help you create today?

Need A Website?

I can help with that! I have experience building websites using frameworks such as React and Vue, but I can also build something out for you using just vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript. If you're looking for something you can edit and upkeep on your own once I'm done, I've also set up websites complete with Content Management Systems (CMS) using Wordpress, Wix, Craft, and more. Whatever works best for you!

My Web Projects


Want To Make A Game?

I can help with that too! I have plenty of experience building out web games using Pixi.js and also have experience packaging web games into mobile applications using methods such as Cordova wrappers, React, and more. I've worked closely with designers, animators, illustrators, and producers for years and as a result am familiar with design tools such as Spine, Adobe Illustrator, and Figma. Let's make a game together!

My Game Projects

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